Drivers Seat

Driver’s Seat is a high voltage ride through failure, expulsion, exhaustion, queer friendship and joy. This site-specific dance performance aims to drag the audiences through a purge of the system that fails us. It leads us on a cleanse of identities, embedded in a muddy warping soundscape of sweaty house party classics. Glitching, puking and car crashing bodies are themes we will explore inspired by the concepts and narratives in Legacy Russell’s Glitch Feminism and Muriel Spark’s novel ‘The Drivers Seat. The piece will be created and performed collaboratively by OK Norris, Pierre B, Valarie Ebuwa, Kaajel Patel & Sakeema Peng Crook to the tune of distorted 90’s hits reworked by Joseph Bond, and is co-curated by Martin Mayorga and Vanessa Murrell of DATEAGLE ART.
